Herein, a novel binuclear active site structure, Co2NxCy, is intentionally designed and successfully fabricated to efficiently catalyze the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), which is achieved by precisely controlling the atomic scale structure of bimetal-organic frameworks before pyrolysis. Through discovering a two-atom site with Co-Co distance at 2.1–2.2 Å from aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), as well as a novel shortened Co-Co path (2.12 Å) from the X-ray absorption spectroscopy, we for the first time identified the binuclear Co2NX site in the pyrolyzed catalyst. Combined with density functional theory (DFT) calculation, the structure is further confirmed as Co2N5. Excitingly, the Co2N5 site performs approximately 12 times higher activity than the conventional CoN4 site and the corresponding catalyst shows unprecedented catalytic activity in acidic electrolyte with half-wave potential of 0.79 V, approaching the commercial Pt/C catalyst and presenting the best one among the Co-N-C catalysts. Theoretical density functional theory calculations reveal that the novel binuclear site exhibits considerably reduced thermodynamic barrier towards ORR, thus contributing to the much higher intrinsic activity. Our finding opens up a new path to design efficient M-Nx/C catalysts, thus pushing the fuel cell industry field one step ahead.